Outstanding! The basketball video— priceless! Thank you.

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“If you could be happy doing anything else, I'd say you should do that instead.” This is something I say to aspiring cartoonists, too. In fact, I often say it’s unfair to do anything else— unfair to those who can’t do anything *but* cartoons/art/writing. For goodness sakes, leave it to them and be happy!

After finding out my agent had not even looked at the first draft of a novel I sent them almost four months ago, I found myself saying just yesterday, “nothing gets me down tho god only knows why.” I had spent those months thinking intensely and critically about what I had written and also realizing it might have been unfair to send them this book (but had to, out of deference to our agreement), because I just didn’t think they’d know what to do with it. I think I need an agent or editor with my Latinx American background, or who at least studied the subjects I’m addressing.

So, I feel like every setback has created more insight and understanding in me, and really the only thing I’m afraid of is getting hit by a bus or crushed by a random asteroid before I finish it and find the right editor.

What keeps us going? Who knows? But we are blessed, I think.

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